Tuesday, July 27, 2021

How Unclean Air Ducts Affect Your Health

When it comes to dirty air ducts, most people initially think of the extra dust they find on furniture or even the unpleasant smells that linger in the air whenever their HVAC system runs. However, there’s an even bigger concern. A lot of individuals don’t realize that dirty ducts can affect their health. Fortunately, there’s an excellent solution – using services for duct cleaning in Toronto.

If you’re curious about how bad dirty ducts affect your health, your loved ones, and even pets, here is some important information.

Reasons to Use a Professional Duct Cleaning Service in Toronto

  • Potential Health Risks

Unclean ducts contain all kinds of contaminants. These include dust, debris, rodent droppings, insect carcasses, sometimes mold, and a host of other pollutants. If you looked inside the ductwork at your home, you might think it looks “okay.” But, to the naked eye, it’s difficult to see what’s really inside.

However, when getting air duct cleaning services in Toronto, a certified technician can show you just how filthy and dangerous the ductwork is. During the summer and winter months, the HVAC system runs on average six to seven hours a day. For each of those, air passes through the ducts, pushing pollutants out into the air you breathe.

While this is dangerous for everyone, it’s especially harmful to individuals with COPD, asthma, and other upper respiratory problems. By not having professional duct cleaning done in your Toronto home, there’s a good chance of developing a skin rash, breathing problems, and non-stop allergies.

  • Insect and Rodent Infestations

Dirty air ducts can lead to an infestation, which can also compromise your health. After all, rodents and insects carry all types of diseases. Without using a professional duct cleaning service in Toronto, the ductwork becomes a perfect breeding ground. One of the worst is cockroaches. Not only do they spread disease, but they also multiple extremely fast.

Along with insects, various types of rodents can live inside ductwork, including mice and rats. While all these critters leave urine and feces behind, rodents also shed hair. So, by not getting duct cleaning in your Toronto home done at least once a year, you and your family breathe in all of that.

Source: https://www.cityductcleaning.com/how-unclean-air-ducts-affect-health/

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Why Attic Insulation Removal Is Important

The insulation material used in walls and attics serves as a barrier against hot and cold exterior temperatures. As a result, the living space within a house is more comfortable. Not only that, but insulation makes it easier to maintain a consistent temperature indoors, which reduces the cost of utility bills. These are some of the reasons why
 insulation removal in Toronto is essential.

If your home has an attic, you can bet there’s insulation in it. Now, if you built your house, you had the opportunity to choose the type of insulation you wanted. However, if you purchased an existing home or you built your house a long time ago, you might need to have the insulation removed and replaced.

Key Reasons for Professional Attic Insulation Removal in Toronto

Often, insulation in attics is just fine. However, there are specific instances when getting professional services for insulation removal near me is crucial. Following are a few examples of these situations:

Old Material

Up until about 1985, homebuilders commonly used insulation in attics that contained asbestos. Once officials discovered the dangers of this material, they banned its use. That means homes built up to that time could have insulation that poses a serious health risk. If you have concerns about this, the best thing to do is hire a reputable company for insulation removal in Toronto.

If you aren’t sure, you can still contact a trusted source for insulation removal near me. A licensed technician will come to your home and test the material in your attic to determine if it’s safe. If there’s any danger, the technician can remove the material according to current laws and regulations. That protects you, your family, and the environment from harm.

Damp Material

If you’ve had a leak in the roof that caused the attic insulation to get wet, you want to consider professional attic insulation removal in Toronto. The biggest issue with this is mold growth. Especially if you have an older roof or even a newer one that’s damaged, the insulation will continue to get soaked. That only increases the risk of mold.

You don’t want mold anywhere inside your house. It can spread quickly and cause health problems. The other factor is that insulation degrades once it gets wet. As a result, it’s no longer effective in blocking out heat and cold. By using the services of a reliable source for insulation removal in Toronto, a qualified professional takes out the old material so you can replace it with something new.

Source: https://www.cityductcleaning.com/why-attic-insulation-removal-is-important/

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

How Dysfunctional Ductwork Makes You Spend More


You might not think that much about your ducts, but they can significantly affect both your finances and life. If the vents do not work well, they can cause health issues and cost you more money. If the ducts start to leak, they can let in toxins to your home, and the leak leads to higher energy bills. Knowing how to fix dysfunctional ductwork is essential. Keep reading to learn more about the importance of getting regular home duct cleaning services.

Air Control and Humidity Levels

The air ducts move air through the air conditioning or heating system. The air that enters the system should go into your home. But if there is a leak, the air does not go where it should. Your home will then pull more air in from another location, and with an unbalanced air supply, negative pressure forms.

That means air from outside your system might enter the home. It could come from the basement, garage, or outdoor. The air from there is unfiltered, and it can affect your home’s air quality.

Another reason residential duct cleaning in Toronto is so crucial is that your home is wasting energy by moving the air around in this manner. You also cannot control the humidity well if there are leaks. The excess water can cause issues, including mould growth. That will cost more money in the long run to fix.

Source: https://www.cityductcleaning.com/how-dysfunctional-ductwork-makes-you-spend-more/

Monday, February 22, 2021

How Regular Dryer Vent Cleaning Can Benefit You in the Long Term

You might not remember when you last had the vents in your dryer cleaned. If that is the case, then it might have been a long time ago. Unfortunately, that can be problematic since it means that your machine might be working harder than necessary to get everything cleaner. That means that your energy bills might be going up since you are running the dryer more than necessary. And that can also be a fire hazard in your home. The good news is that with regular dryer vent cleaning in Toronto, you can easily prevent these issues.

Making Your Dryer Last Longer

Your dryer might become damaged if you run it when the vents are too dirty. It has to work harder to do the same job it got designed to do. Of course, no dryer will last forever. However, if you clean the vents regularly, you can extend its life span significantly. Each of the components inside of the dryer can last longer when you ensure that you regularly choose a dryer duct cleaning service in Toronto.

Making Your Home Safer

If your dryer has a lot of lint in it, there is a greater risk of fire. Lint and similar dirt are very dry, meaning the heat from the dryer could result in a fire. If the vents get clogged, then you have a fire hazard on your hands, and in some cases, carbon monoxide might begin to build up. Luckily, the right dryer duct cleaning service in Toronto will also inspect your dryer.

Extend the Life Span of Your Clothing

When there is a buildup in your dryer, the vents get blocked. That means that the dryer needs to run for a longer time to get the clothing dry. When your dryer has to run for a longer time, too much heat might begin to build up in that machine. That could cause excess wear and tear on your clothing since it could wear down the fibers that make up the fabric. Plus, they have to stay in the dryer for longer, and tumbling around can cause them to wear out faster. The good news is that you can mitigate the effects by choosing “dryer duct cleaning near me.”

Source: https://www.cityductcleaning.com/how-regular-dryer-vent-cleaning-can-benefit-you-in-the-long-term/

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Getting Your Home Ducts Cleaned Is a Great Christmas Gift to Your Loved Ones

During the holiday season, many family members and friends get together. That also means that it is the season of gift-giving. However, it could be difficult to ensure the quality of the air in your home. That is why you need to consider having a duct cleaning service in Toronto come in and clean the ducts in your house.

An Insulation Check

When you have a duct cleaning service come in, they will check the insulation in your home. That is an essential part of the home since it helps the system to do its job better. It prevents cold air from entering your home and the heated air from leaving. That way, the system will not have to work as hard. The professionals will take a look at the insulation in the attic to see if it needs replacement yet.

Air Filter Replacement

If your filter is dirty, you might have many issues. That could begin with small issues of airflow or include huge failures of the system. When a company providing air duct cleaning services in Toronto replaces the filters, you can have peace of mind that your air quality will be better. That also prevents your unit from having to work so hard, saving you money in the long run.

Ensuring the HVAC System Is Working

After you find a “duct cleaning service near me,” you can have the company inspect the HVAC system. They can ensure that your unit is working correctly. When they come to do regular maintenance, they can check for small issues before they become larger. Fixing wear and tear now can reduce your chances of having to replace the unit too soon.


Wednesday, June 24, 2020

How to Know If Your Air Ducts Are Leaking?

You may not think about the air duct system of your Toronto home that much, but when there is a leak, it’s a big problem. On average, duct systems leak around 10 percent of air supply. That makes duct leakage one of the top causes of wasted energy in your home. But how will you know if you have this issue? There are several telling signs that it is time for you to schedule an air duct cleaning service.

High Energy Bills

If your utility bills seem unusually high each month, it may be because the ducts are leaking. Whenever they leak, your HVAC unit needs to use up more energy to get your Toronto home to the right temperature. That means that you are going to pay too much for cooling or heating your home.

Different Temperatures Around the Home

When your ductwork is leaking, cold air may go to the outdoors or your attic, instead. That means some rooms in your house might not get as much air supply as others, depending on where the leak is. If certain rooms seem to have a weak airflow, it may be because there’s a leak in the duct system.

Poor Air Quality

Having poor air quality in your Toronto home is not only because of a leak. Getting a duct cleaning service in Toronto can also improve air quality. But when there is a leak, humidity can also enter the ducts, allowing mold to grow there. You and your family can end up breathing the dangerous spores. If anyone has asthma or allergies, the condition may become aggravated.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

How to Determine if Your Home Duct Needs Cleaning?

The quality of the air in your home can significantly impact your health. Mould and dust particles can cause allergies even if you don’t usually have them. Symptoms of this irritation can include watery eyes and sneezing. If you have bronchitis, allergies, asthma, or other respiratory issues, then these particles can cause even more damage to your health. The only way to completely remove pet dander, dust, and pollen is through regular home duct cleaning services.

Who Needs Duct Cleaning Services in Toronto?

Usually, you should have residential duct cleaning in Toronto about every three to five years. However, if your home is particularly dusty or you have pets, you may need to have it more often. There are several signs that you need to have this type of maintenance:
Mould Growth: If you notice that there is mould on the ducts, then you should have it tested to verify that it is mould. If so, then home duct cleaning services can take care of it and inspect your system to ensure there are no problems.
Excessive Dirt: If you notice dirt or dust on the exterior portion of the air vents or debris inside the openings, there is an issue. There is more dirt inside the system than outside of it. An HVAC system must work harder when it has a clog. This can increase your electrical bills and cause the components to wear out faster.