Wednesday, December 27, 2017

How Frequently Do You Need Dryer Duct Cleaning for Your Home?

Just like the lint trap in your dryer, the duct vents become dirty and, sometimes, clogged. To prevent a problem from arising, you need to have a dryer duct cleaning service performed. By hiring a commercial vent cleaning company, a licensed technician will clean the vents and unblock any clogs. As a result, you do not have to worry about your appliance failing, the risk of a fire, or the buildup of carbon monoxide.
While you understand the importance of having the duct vent cleaned regularly, you need to know how frequently to hire someone for this service. Although various companies may recommend a somewhat different schedule, consider the following factors or contact a reputable company that offers local dryer duct cleaning for advice.
  • Age of the Dryer – If you have an older dryer, there is a good chance that it does not operate as well as a new appliance. Therefore, the age of your dryer is one determining factor.
  • Dryer Load – Also consider how often you run loads of clothes, sheets, towels, and other items in the dryer. Typically, if you run your dryer on a daily basis, the vent needs checking more often.
  • Items Getting Dried – If you tend to dry a lot of blankets, towels, sweaters, and other things that shed a lot of lint, you want to increase the frequency of using a commercial vent cleaning service.

For more details visit Original Source...

Contact Details:
City Duct Cleaning
40 Metropolitan Road, Unit 21
Ontario, Canada
Zip Code: M1R 2T6
Business Phone: (416) 293-1800
Business E-mail:

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Benefits of Investing in Regular Dryer Vent Cleaning in Toronto

While you know that keeping the lint trap in your dryer is important, you may not be aware that a professional vent cleaning service offers tremendous benefits. To ensure that your appliance operates optimally, and also to prevent significant problems, including a risk of fire, services for regular dryer vent cleaning in Toronto are critical.
As you begin looking for dryer duct cleaning companies in Toronto, you will come across many that claim to have the best services. However, to hire the right business, you need to compare what two or three companies offer, check both history and reputation, and read customer reviews.
To better understand why a regularly scheduled vent cleaning service by a reputable company is essential, consider a few examples of benefits.
  • Longer Lasting Clothes – Instead of paying a lot of money to replace clothes, you should have your dryer vent inspected on a regular basis. The reason is that if the vent becomes partially blocked, the dryer has to work harder to completely dry clothes, towels, sheets, and other items. As a result, the dryer becomes excessively hot, which negatively affects the anything inside. Depending on what you need to dry, clothes can shrink, or the fibers can get irreversibly damaged.

For more details visit Original Source...

Contact Details:
City Duct Cleaning
40 Metropolitan Road, Unit 21
Ontario, Canada
Zip Code: M1R 2T6
Business Phone: (416) 293-1800
Business E-mail:

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Does Your Home Need a Duct Cleaning After Renovations?

Renovating a home or business is an exciting endeavor, but it also leads to a significant amount of dust and debris. Instead of putting yourself and others at risk for illness or disease, now is the time to consider professional duct cleaning services. With duct cleaning, any potentially dangerous allergens and other pollutants get eliminated, thereby providing the needed protection.
Using state-of-the-art duct cleaning equipment and the appropriate duct cleaning tools, an expert will remove any dust the renovation caused from inside the ductwork. At the same, having the ducts cleaned eliminates rodent and insect droppings, pet dander, mold and mildew, and other allergens that can negatively impact a person’s health.
The following are the most common types of duct cleaning equipment and tools used by a professional for getting rid of dust and debris associated with renovations.
  • Access Tools – To start with, a certified or licensed professional relies on access tools that create entry points into the HVAC system. Depending on the technician, this involves making small holes or removing panels.
For more details visit Original Source...

Contact Details:
City Duct Cleaning
40 Metropolitan Road, Unit 21
Ontario, Canada
Zip Code: M1R 2T6
Business Phone: (416) 293-1800
Business E-mail:

Monday, October 30, 2017

Improve Indoor Air Quality and HVAC Efficiency in Your Home with Thorough Air Duct Cleaning

Did you know that dirty air ducts in your home can not only negatively impact the health of anyone living there but also lower your HVAC system’s efficiency? Thanks to professional home duct cleaning services, you can enjoy improved indoor air quality and significantly reduce risks.
For years, home duct cleaning experts have tried to educate the public about the dangers of dirty air ducts. Through their perseverance and newly released information from viable studies, homeowners now understand just how critical good indoor air quality is, for health, the efficiency of their HVAC system, and more.
Instead of using a store-bought kit or home remedies for cleaning ducts, you should rely on the services of a licensed technician. Along with years of experience and unparalleled expertise, experts use state-of-the-art tools and home duct cleaning equipment. As a result, you have peace of mind that you, your family, and even pets live in a clean and safe environment. However, you also have confidence that your expensive HVAC system will perform optimally and last a long time.
For more details visit Original Source...

Contact Details:
City Duct Cleaning
40 Metropolitan Road, Unit 21
Ontario, Canada
Zip Code: M1R 2T6
Business Phone: (416) 293-1800
Business E-mail:

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Keep Indoor Air Breathable with Regular Air Duct Cleaning in Toronto

You would probably be disgusted if you thought that you were breathing in dirty air while inside of your home. With regular air duct cleaning in Toronto, you can be sure that the quality of the air in your home is clean and healthy. For the best results, hire a duct cleaning specialist who has provided professional air duct cleaning services for years.
Air duct cleaning Toronto

Over time, dirt, debris, rodent and insect droppings, and a host of other contaminants build up inside of residential ductwork. Unless cleaned, the air forced through the ducts from the HVAC system blows a portion of the contaminants into the home, where they settle on furniture, carpeting, walls, and so on. That means that people breathe these contaminants in, which poses health risks.
What Is the Best Air Duct Cleaning Method?
Cleaning your air ducts is something that you need to leave to a duct cleaning specialist. As a professional, this individual will don the proper protective gear, use state-of-the-art equipment, and follow the most efficient techniques. That way, you have the assurance needed that your ducts are clean, thereby improving the air quality within the home.
For more info Click here...

Contact Details:
City Duct Cleaning
40 Metropolitan Road, Unit 21
Ontario, Canada
Zip Code: M1R 2T6
Business Phone: (416) 293-1800
Business E-mail:

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Dryer Vent Cleaning in Toronto: What to Know Before Hiring a Professional Company

Like the majority of people who use dryers, you probably never think about the vent system. Sure, you remove lint when necessary, but what about the actual dryer vent? Because of the benefits, an increasing number of people are relying on professional dryer vent cleaning in Toronto. The right vent cleaning service provides a variety of benefits.
In reality, house vent cleaning is essential. Unless you clean the vent on a regular basis, it is imperative that you research differentdryer duct cleaning companies to find one that has a reputation for excellence. You will be surprised at what you discover.

Risk of Fire

The number one reason to consider using a vent cleaning service is the prevention of fire. Clogged dryer vents rank among the top causes of house fires. What happens is that, over time, lint collects inside of the vent. Unless properly cleaned, the hot air blowing through the vent during dryer operation causes clogged lint to heat up, sometimes to the point of catching on fire. That alone makes vent cleaning critical.
For more details visit Original Source...

Contact Details:
City Duct Cleaning
40 Metropolitan Road, Unit 21
Ontario, Canada
Zip Code: M1R 2T6
Business Phone: (416) 293-1800
Business E-mail:

Friday, April 7, 2017

Why You Should Hire Air Duct Cleaning Services in Toronto

Air duct cleaning services in Toronto are extremely important for a variety of reasons. Although duct cleaning is something that everyone benefits from, this type of service is especially important for anyone who struggles with upper respiratory problems like emphysema, asthma, and COPD, as well as extremely young children and aging adults.

By choosing duct cleaning for your Toronto home, the air is cleaner and, therefore, safer. In addition, most people notice a fresher smell and less accumulation of dust buildup on furniture. If this is something that you are interested in, rather than hire just any company that claims to be a professional in this field, it is critical that you hire a company with a reputation for offering the best duct cleaning in Toronto. This provides you with the assurance that the job will be done correctly and that services are fully backed.

The problem with air ducts is that over time they get dirty from various contaminants, like pet hair, water contamination, dust, dirt, chemicals, and so on. The ducts are designed to move air from your HVAC system into different rooms of the home. Therefore, any type of contaminants inside the ductwork is blown throughout the home. Click here to visit original source...

Contact Details:
City Duct Cleaning
40 Metropolitan Road, Unit 21
Ontario, Canada
Zip Code: M1R 2T6
Business Phone: (416) 293-1800
Business E-mail:

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Benefits of Hiring a Dryer Vent Cleaning Company in Toronto

While it is common for people to think about having air ducts cleaned, many never even consider the importance of professional dryer vent cleaning in Toronto. In reality, both of these services are critical. With air duct cleaning, contaminants inside ductwork are eliminated, whereas for dryer vent cleaning, the operation of the appliance improves, but more importantly, the risk of fire is dramatically reduced.


The lack of dryer maintenance is one of the most common causes of fire, accounting for as much as 92 percent. What happens is that both lint traps and vents quickly become clogged. The problem is that a clogged vent prevents needed airflow. This has an impact on the dryer’s operation, causing it to operate at higher temperatures. As a result, there is a significant risk of overheating and fire.

To better understand how critical professional dryer vent cleaning in Toronto is, consider some of the current statistics. Although these numbers represent cases in the United States, they show the true dangers for Canadians as well.

  • In 2010, roughly 16,800 residential fires involving dryers were reported in the US.
  • These fires resulted in 51 people losing their lives and an additional 380 people sustaining injury.
  • As for property, it was estimated that $236 million in damage was done by these fires. Original Source...

Contact Details:

40 Metropolitan Road, Unit 21
Ontario, Canada
Zip Code: M1R 2T6
Business Phone: (416) 293-1800
Business E-mail:

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Reduce Hydro Costs With A Cleaner HVAC System

Hydro costs have been increasing steadily for more than two years. Energy bills are becoming more and more unbearable. The people of Toronto, and Canada in general, have been seeking alternative, inventive solutions to reduce hydro costs. Even though Toronto’s hydro company has repeatedly urged people to reduce energy consumption, this does not seem to help in the long term. That’s because charges and fees are increasing rapidly.

Everyone would like to see smaller energy bills by the end of the month, with lower delivery charges and adjustment fees. Both homeowners and businesses have expressed frustration with the unpredictable increase in hydro costs. Moreover, more and more small businesses and companies are moving away. Hydro bills are just too costly to maintain business in Toronto and even Canada for that matter. And since the local hydro company doesn’t seem to manage to deliver cost-effective energy, people need to find solutions and seek help elsewhere.

One alternative for reducing hydro costs that more and more Torontonians are trying out is to hire air duct cleaning professionals to clear and clean their venting systems. It’s a known fact that a cleaner HVAC system uses less energy. The more contaminated an air system is, the more energy it will use. The more air-handling components are affected, the bigger the electric bill will be. City Duct Cleaning is one of the Toronto-based companies that offer quality and professional duct and dryer vent cleaning services. They have been in the business for over two decades, forming a proficient team of professionals. View Original Source...

Contact Us:

City Duct Cleaning Inc.
40 Metropolitan Road, Unit 21
Scarboroug, Ontario
Canada, M1R 2T6
Phone No: (416) 293-1800

Thursday, January 19, 2017

The Air Our Children Breathe Is Literally Killing Them

The air our children breathe might not be as clean as we once thought.

Each year, nearly 600,000 children die from diseases caused by air pollution, and even more children live in areas where the risks of developing such diseases are incredibly high. According to a new report from UNICEF, 300 million kids around the world are breathing in toxic air every day.

This constant contact with air pollution is especially dangerous for children because their bodies are still developing. Toxic particles found in the air can make their way through the bloodstream and cause cardiac disease, asthma, pneumonia, or even heart failure.

The United Nations is actively working toward reducing the number of deaths caused by air pollution by limiting fossil fuel emissions and ensuring that children receive the healthcare that they need. But the issue of air pollution is not something that can be solved overnight.

Your Indoor Air Quality

Indoor air quality should also be of concern as recent studies have proven that indoor air quality is generally worse than outside air quality.

Sometimes the effects on indoor air quality can be sufficient to cause people to experience significant discomfort, and in extreme cases to become physically ill. For more info Visit Here...

Contact Us:

40 Metropolitan Road, Unit 21
Scarboroug, Ontario
Canada, M1R 2T6
Phone No: (416) 293-1800