Thursday, February 22, 2018

How Often Does a Home Need Dryer Duct Cleaning?

There is a surprisingly large number of homeowners, as well as landlords, who have no idea that they should have dryer duct cleaning performed by a professional. Unfortunately, some of them learn only after it is too late. Every year, more than 12,000 fires relating to clothes dryers break out in residential buildings. Therefore, cleaning the dryer duct is critical.
Avoiding a Disastrous Situation
Although emptying the lint trap is also important, having the exhaust vent cleaned is entirely different. In Toronto, during the frigid winter months, people launder and dry blankets, sweaters, heavy woolen socks, scarves, and so on, which makes cleaning the dryer duct imperative. If not cleaned, lint can become trapped inside of the dryer duct, and it then accumulates. By continuing to use the dryer, hot forced air can ignite a fire.
In addition to lint building up by drying specific types of items as mentioned, there is another risk. Sometimes, moisture in the air causes even a small amount of lint to stick together, which leads to it becoming trapped inside the dryer duct. Using a standard vacuum cleaner is not powerful enough, nor can it reach far enough to make a difference. Instead, a professional technician from a reputable company uses a specialize dryer duct cleaning brush.

For more details visit Original Source...

Contact Details:
City Duct Cleaning
40 Metropolitan Road, Unit 21
Ontario, Canada
Zip Code: M1R 2T6
Business Phone: (416) 293-1800
Business E-mail:

Friday, February 9, 2018

5 Significant Benefits of Attic Insulation Removal in Toronto

While the thought of attic insulation removal in Toronto may initially sound odd, there are several benefits. The goal is to remove existing insulation that over time has become dirty or perhaps damaged by rodents and then replace it with a more efficient material.
You want attic cleaning and insulation removal performed by a reputable company. That way, you have the assurance that the work will get done correctly and that the expert uses the appropriate type of insulation.
  1. Improved Health – Especially if there are rodent droppings and urine, inhalation or direct contact could cause significant health issues for you and your family. Along with these contaminants, the rodents themselves pose a risk. For instance, if an infected rat gets inside the home and bites someone, that person could experience a range of different health issues.
  2. Improved Indoor Air Quality – Even the air quality inside of your home would improve by having the existing insulation removed and new insulation added. As an example, if the material gets wet, it could become moldy. Not only would the home have a musty smell, but also, if any spores become airborne and are inhaled, they too pose a health risk.

For more details visit Original Source...

Contact Details:
City Duct Cleaning
40 Metropolitan Road, Unit 21
Ontario, Canada
Zip Code: M1R 2T6
Business Phone: (416) 293-1800
Business E-mail: